Ready Steady Crook!

Sorry it’s been a long time since I posted here, I’ve been working on a new television show.

RSCReady Steady Crook is an exciting show, that pits medical science and alternatives to medicine against each other. Each week, we pick someone from the audience who has a medical issue, and they get diagnosed.

On one side we have people with years and years of medical training – doctors, cardiologists, oncologists, paediatricians, etc, who will give a diagnosis based on modern science.

On the other side we have the quacks… Homoeopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, reflexologists, aromatherapists, acupuncturists, psychic healers, etc, basically anyone who can study online, has a high quality printer at home, an oversupply of incense to burn, and a vague sense that their mental issues can solve things.

The “contestant” from the audience gets looked over by both teams, and then the audience votes on what kind of treatment the contestant should get to cure their ill.

We then take the peddlers of woo, and those in the audience who voted for alternatives to medicine out the back and shoot them. I think after one series people would get the idea that medical science is the best way to treat a medical condition.

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