Have blog, will type

Well, well, well, look what’s getting a dust off.

Yes, it has been a while since anything was posted here. Not for want of not posting, nor for lack of content. It’s more of a movement away from a blog, and embracing of the Twitterverse.

Everything these days is going faster and more instant, and taking the time to write out a well versed blog post, had become more of a chore than an enjoyable thing. Pumping out content in 140 characters, or less, is far more enjoyable, I must say. It also has to do with where I have been in my life personally, and the direction this blog moved in. Please let me explain, as a way of supposedly providing chow for your hungry mind.

When I started the A Green Cow blog, it was void of having a human face. Was it one person, various people, or a cow with dexterous hooves? That was done due to the number of personal attacks I was receiving through my previous blog. AGC was a chance to move away from that, and start fresh. Many people I know though knew AGC was me due to the similar writing style, but thankfully the arseholes stayed away.

Then twitter came along, and using agreencow as my handle was obvious. That of course meant people knew who was behind the website, and so the mood of the posting changed. I also changed during this time personally, so the point of posting things became mute. Why make the effort when I could micro blog via twitter. The world doesn’t need to take five minutes to read how I like my eggs, when they can just read in two seconds that I farted in bed.

Twitter is also more of a conversation, where as blogging to me feels like I am at a lectern giving a speech to tired and uninterested students, who are just here to get a pass mark, and sometimes see boobies.

But at the same time, a blog is a good way to remember things in future years. So I think I should blog again, but I’m not sure on what rate of blogging, or what to blog about. After all, there’s enough people out there talking crap, who needs another one.

The other thing that has been hindering this blog is my depression and self belief. When I threw out another knee last year, it made me slow down. It also gave me time to finally have the emotional release I had put on hold when Paige passed away. There was also trying to come to terms with not being able to play sport again. I got into a mental void, and next thing I know a year had passed. While I may have been around, it was just token lip service I was providing to myself. That may sound self indulgent, but in reality, I was a mess, but ignoring just how bad the situation was.

So now that I’m getting my own life back into order, it’s time I did the same around here a bit too I think. Just what that means yet I don’t know, but I’m going to work on it, define it, and go with it. Come along for the ride if you like, and if you don’t like, do your own blog.

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