In 2012…..

I’ve had enough. Yeah, I know we’re only a couple of days in to the year, but I’ve had enough.


Not enough of the year, years are just a number. I’ve just had enough of the bullshit from people. The United nations have declared 2012 the year of  Cooperatives, so wont you please be cooperative to the rest of society by not being a fucktard? Seriously, I’ve had enough of people who think the world owes them, simply because. Stop being a fucktard, pull your pants up, blow your nose, get a job and earn things in life.


I’ve had enough of your bullshit “woe is me” crap, and I don’t even know who you are, but you make my life worse by simply existing. If I do happen to know you, well not for long, cause I’ve had enough. I have my goals and priorities in life, and one of them is not being fucked over by other people, because they think I should have to pay (financially, emotionally, mentally) for them to be a fucktard as stated above.


You know, I have simple needs in life; a roof over my head, food on my table, and enough money in my pocket to get me through the week. I have wants in life, which are more long term goals, so that I can have a comfortable future, where I can relax because of the hard work I put in earlier in life. If you want it all now, and expect others to do it for you, go away, cause I’ve had enough.


Happy New Year Everyone.

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