Happy Birthday Betty*

*Even though it’s not your birthday, and is actually just used as an excuse to have a long weekend and start the snow skiing season.

I’ve been listening to the radio this morning, and hearing about the Queen’s Birthday honours. People who now get to add extra letters to their name, meaning they have to reprint all their business cards.

So many of the people are very honoured, and rightly so after a lot of very hard work. But I have been amazed by one thing. When asked if these people are royalists, the general consensus has been “Oh yes, very much so, I love the queen”.

But when asked about Prince Charles, and let’s face it, unless Betty is planning on giving herself a telegram, she’s not going to be around for too much longer, their views on Charlie was generally, “Errr, well, yes I do love the queen, and well, I must say I’m not overly keen on him”.

Now here is what I don’t get. I am a republican, I believe Australia should have an Australian as the Head of State. But the royalists I heard this morning don’t seem to be able to come to terms with Charlie becoming the next King of England, and by default, the King of Australia. But that’s the reality people. Someone who you don’t particularly like, will become your king, simply because his mummy and daddy shared a bed at least once. Hardly seems like the right qualifications to be a leader to me, of me.

I can understand why some people like Betty, she has been there for awhile, and on the surface, appears to be ok. She represents a bit of stability, but she is not alone in doing that, as we should all respect our elders. But Betty didn’t work hard to get into that position, she got there the same way Charlie will.

So to the royalists I say, if you claim to be a royalist, be one, and not an queen admirer instead, who masquerades as a royalist.

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  1. Why, apart from the “Vibe”, what difference would it make?

  2. As things currently stand, no Australian can be the head of state. Instead, that is the birthright of someone who doesn’t even live in this country. We can’t vote out the current head of state if they make a decision we don’t like as a country, they rule regardless. This is not a vibe thing, this is about what is fair and reasonable for all, not just a select few.

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