This could be the start of something good (but it isn’t)

It could be a tumour. It’s not a tumour.

No, it’s neither a ripped off song lyric, or a quote from a movie. This is nothing more than an attempt to blog again. Given this is the start, get ready for a long post.

I use to blog. I blogged a lot. I blogged about everything. It got me into trouble, some of it deserved (hey, we’ve all be young once), a lot of it undeserved (bullying and harassment has no place), all of it lead to me not blogging at all. In fact, over the last few years I’ve waxed and waned on the whole social media thing.

When social media really started to take off, where it was accessible with relative ease for most, I jumped on board like there was no tomorrow. It was after all a brave new world with no rules, and utter freedom. Over time though we have all learnt this is not the case. While the internet may not have laws in place as such, employers do. Some teenager tweets about how disgruntled he is with the footy team he follows, a few years later gets drafted by that team, and the words come back to haunt him, even before he as put the jumper on. The internet that was to be the fountain of knowledge and the liberator of all, proved to be very unkind and litigious instead.

I found it disheartening. I tried many ways to work with it, but my words still would come back to haunt me. It seemed like the one thing that had opened my eyes up and freed me, was going to the same thing that would now be giving me a black eye. So I walked.

During my time away I’ve wanted to blog, but I was fearful. I still am fearful while I write this. But having had the time to think about how I want to blog has given me time to think in general, and to hopefully be able to do something here in a meaningful way for myself. If others choose to read, so be it. But instead of writing for an audience, I am simply writing for myself now, and if others get something from it, so be it, onus on them for that.

So what’s going to be happening here now? Well my first thoughts of that happened a couple of months ago, when I got the renewal notice for the account. I wondered if it was still worth having, after all, I had let other accounts lapse, some I cared about, others I don’t miss. Remember what I said about those early days of social media?

Now I think I have it worked out, what it is I want to blog about. I’m looking at doing a weekly wrap up of stuff. Stuff in terms of what I’ve thought about during the week. What I’ve experienced. What I want to share.

Which gets us down to this post. What is it I want to share right now? Well you’ve read it already. As for next week, I’m still deciding which day I’ll blog on. Sure I could schedule posts, but I’d rather use this as a time to sit and relax, and let my thoughts flow. Sometimes there will be a lot, some times a little, sometimes so surprises I’m still working on. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens.

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