Author Archives: Admin

How Times Haven’t Changed

So I was going through the archive of my old blog, and I found a post from 2005. It was in the early days of my blog, when I had no idea what to write. That is of course unlike these modern times, where I don’t have a need to write. I digress.

Anyway, it was 100 (or in my case 107) things about me. A I read back, I noticed my views on some of the things had changed, some were still just as firm as ever. So I thought I would look back, and fill you all in on some of them.

4. I Am Not Religious.
I’m still not religious, but now I’m more informed, and I have to say my feelings towards religion have grown. I think it is one of the worst things in society, and one of the major things holding back society today. I would happily live in a world with out religion. It has been proven to be useless time and time again, yet people still cling to it.

5. I’ve been married, and wont do it again.
I will married again, but I need the laws to change first, before it can happen.

9. I have had about 40 broken bones.
Make that over fifty now. I gave up on counting.

13. I prefer my exclusive company, to the company of others.
Don’t get me wrong, people are ok, but only in small doses.

21. Cooking helps with my depression.
I still does. What is more annoying is the depression is still there. It’s a mental illness, and I have to work with it every day. There are good times, there are bad times. Since writing this post originally, there have been some very dark times, but I am still here for now.

31. I have two children, and I love them dearly.
I still do. At the time of writing this post, I hadn’t seen them for six month, after being screwed over by my ex. I still haven’t seen my kids. No wonder I get depressed.

36. I have never tried coffee.
And I still haven’t. Yay!

37. I want another motorbike, I miss mine.
At the time of writing this, I had sold my bike and was running around in a crappy little car. Since then, I have purchased a VFR800, and then sold it when I got too sick to ride it anymore. I then purchased a cheap little Ninja 250, as a way to run around and have some fun. I sold it a few days later, because I just wasn’t enjoying being back on such a small bike. Then my other half recently got me another VFR800, same as the old one I use to have. Sure it needs a lot of work, but I’m enjoying the project, in my spare time. A girl has to have a hobby.

39. I collect cows.
I still do, only now I have somewhere to display them. The collection grows all the time, and it’s a nice little thing to have going.

40. I don’t wear my glasses as often as I should.
Now I have to wear them all the time, and my eyesight is getting worse.

53. I get about 300 emails a day.
These days I’m lucky to get a handful.

59. I donate plasma.
Not anymore, but I wish I could. It’s thanks to the blood bank that I found out I had leukaemia, and during my treatment, I got about 40 transfusions of blood and blood products. Sure I had made 178 donations to them, so I was in front a bit, but I was still annoyed when they had to give me O negative blood, because they were out of O positive. I felt ashamed I wasn’t doing my part to donate.
At the time the blood bank sent me a letter saying thanks for everything I had done in donating, but at this point in time, they couldn’t accept my blood for the next five years. So I waited five years and went back. But it turns out that letter was wrong. I wasn’t on the “in five years” list, I was on the “never again” list. I was devastated to say the least, and even today when I see a mobile blood bank, I want to go and donate. All I can say is, I’m thankful some people still donate.

69. I have never seen a porno.
I’m not sure if “A Room In Rome” has ruined that claim.

75. I never wash my car.
I think it happens about once a year now.

78. I am known to eat flowers.
I can’t remember the last time I did this, but now I want to.

84. My favourite book is “A Fortunate Life” By Albert Facey
It still is. So much so, I now have a hard copy of it, and an electronic copy.

87. I love test cricket, hohum about one day cricket, find Twenty/20 a joke.
I still love Test Cricket, but these days when I play cricket, the Twenty/20 format is ok with me. Let’s face it, I’m getting old, and my recovery isn’t what it use to be.

92. I swam across Lake Hume and back when I was 12 years old.
This was a major achievement for me at the time. Since then, I’ve cycled from Perth to Melbourne. Given I had only just finished two and a half years of chemo at the time, I think this achievement is slightly greater.

95. I have a fear of cars with out number plates.
Like I said, some things never change. It’s not an irrational fear, it is very rational indeed.

102. I am sarcastic.
Oh really!

103. My favourite sandwich is Ham, Pineapple, Egg, Beetroot and Vegemite.
I haven’t had that combination in years. Mind you, mountain bread with vegemite, honey and a banana is great.

Oh yeah, I remember them.

Last night I remember the name of someone who had helped me years ago. It was about a decade or so ago, when I was going through a really bad time in my life, and needed some help. No one I knew could help me, or were even there to talk to about it, so I turned to the Internet.

Now these days you can google, Facebook, twitter, Wikipedia just about anything, sometimes with alarming results. But all those years ago, in the ale 1990’s and the early 2000’s the Internet was a very different place.

Not only was the Internet finding it’s feet, but so were the people who were using it. Many people were putting every single detail of their life out there, as if to say, “I now have access for the whole world to hear my voice, and hear it they will”. I was thankful for their decision to do this, and I made friends with a few of them.

One of those people is the name I remembered last night, so I googled them. The results showed millions of people with that name, but not the one I was looking for. So a bit more searching, with more refinements, and eventually I found them. Well not really, it was a page archived from 2003, and the only thing more recent was from 2006, where someone else asked what happened to them.

But this wasn’t a one off. After searching for this person, a few other names from back then started to show up, and it was the same case with all of them. At some point or another, they had all gone off the net, or had decided to go private with their details.

This got me thinking today. We are basically now moving into a new generation of Internet users. People who were never there during these early days of the net, who never experienced Netscape, GeoCities, etc. Yahoo Groups is quickly fading, and MySpace has been and gone like the uncle you only see at Christmas time.

For me, those times were the Internet being a kid, exploring the world, just before puberty happened. Now, it’s definitely self aware, more mindful of itself, and is thinking about it’s future. People today still post a lot of stuff on the Internet, but they seem to not be as open publicly. I know that’s the case with myself. My old blog use to have photos of me on there, and I was very open about my life. These days, I rather not let the world know the real me, so instead present a sanitised, more joyous, persona of myself. In a way the Internet is not so much a personal diary that I like to share, but more like a job where I have to be mindful of the content I write, or I get fired.

So on the off chance any of those people who helped me so long ago are still around, thank you for being there, and doing what you did, when you did it. I guess I lucked out being in the right place at the right time, when things were better, back in the good old days.

The Curse Of Technology

Before I even start this post, I can see the irony that I am typing it on a fruit brand tablet device.

Technology has made leaps and bounds in recent years. The world has moved from computers taking up an entire house, to basically your musical toilet roll holder having more computing power than it took NASA to get Neil and Buzz to land on the giant cheese ball.

Almost every day there is some new and exciting product on the market, that will make our lives better, faster, stronger, increased sex life, really cool, hip, now! Or any other term the marketing department can come up with. But there is a problem with all this.

People see technology as being more accessible, and by that I mean open for anyone to do with as they please, without regard for personal property or privacy.

This morning I was asked once again if that thing I was holding was a “small vowel – support structure”. Yeah, I’m trying to avoid product names here, don’t think it will work for the rest of the post.

So after being asked, I said it was, then next thing I know, this person has rushed across the room, trying to look at what I was doing, and reaching out to start pressing the screen. It’s not the first time this has happened either. When the device was first released, everyone wanted one, despite most of them not knowing what they are, or how to use one, or even what purpose it would serve them. It was shiny, new, and the latest technology to use as a status symbol.

These days though, it’s a few years down the path, so people generally should have an idea of what the technology touch screen thingy is, but the attitude is the same. They still have no idea what they are. Still have no idea how to use them. Still don’t know what purpose they would use it for. But they still want one.

Because of this desire, they see someone who has one, and instantly think that person is a sales rep, who is more than happy to let the idiot (them) poke and prod and mess about with as much as they like. Well here’s the thing people, you wouldn’t let me do that to your wife, so why would I let you do it to my electronic devices?

It’s a pretty simple thing. It’s all about respecting privacy and ownership. What is so hard about applying that concept to technology as you would any other property that someone has?

The thing I don’t understand in all of this, is people get really pissed off, when you don’t let them do what they like with your things. As I said to the guy this morning, I’m more than happy to let you have a look around on my device, as long as you give me the keys to your house, and let me go through your bedroom drawers. He got annoyed, I made my point, the girl’s happy, so all is good.

It’s a pretty simple thing. If you you are so desperate to buy some new technology, to the point where your life is worthless with out it, then go out and buy it. If you just want to be a nosy prick, who thinks you have the right to do what you want, simply because you’re excited, well go and chain yourself to the clothesline and lick some balls. You’ll be doing the whole world a favour.

Australia, you got dacked!

Australia is an awesome country. As an australian, I know this, because Australians keep telling me about how awesome and great this country is. Australia is the best country on the earth, and to not think so is unAustralian, even if you’re not an Australian.

Well Australia, this week, we got shown up by our cousins across the ditch. You know, New Zealand. Remember them?

I wasn’t sure where to start this blog post, then I remembered, ANZAC day is coming up. A day to remember Australians and New Zealanders, who have fought for the freedoms we hold so dear. You see Australia and New Zealand are Rey much alike, or at least we were.

While Australia has been going around beating it’s chest about how great a country it is, and how much we punch above our weight on the world stage, New Zealand has just been quietly getting on with the job of actually achieving.

In Australia, we pump our fist in the air, because in 2008, Kevin Rudd said sorry to the Indigenous people of the nation. It was a worthy thing, and a step in the right direction, but little more.

In New Zealand, they signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, and got on with it from there. Today, students learn about the history of their country, both traditional, and since colonisation.

It’s just one example I’ve given there, because it’s really late for me, and I need to get to bed, but when it comes to punching above our weight, Australia punches a feather more than we weigh, and New Zealand punches a pile of bricks.

Which brings me to the point in question with this blog post. This week New Zealand defined marriage as a thing of beauty. It’s between two people. Plain and simple, of you love someone, and want to spend the rest of your life with them, go for it.

They debated it, they looked at all the pros and cons, and finally worked out, that it’s a matter of treating everyone equally, and to not do that, is wrong. People from both all sides of politics had their say, and as is the case everywhere this debate happens, those who it won’t affect we’re the most ardent against it. But at the end of the day, the vote was passed, not for political gain, but to correct a wrong. A wrong that treated people as different. As second class. As not worthy of being part of the society in which they live, all because they love someone.

I think back to what I was taught about Australia when I was growing up. That this country is a land of opportunity. Where if someone was willing to give it a go, they could do so, and would be treated fairly and equally. When did we drop the ball Australia? Instead of being a proud nation that other countries looked up to, we are becoming the laughing stock of the world. If we want to be the lucky country again, we need to look to the east, to a group of islands, and see how it is done.

New Zealand, I thank you. You lead the way in being the moral compass under the Southern Cross, and we could well do with following from your lead.

Ready Steady Crook!

Sorry it’s been a long time since I posted here, I’ve been working on a new television show.

RSCReady Steady Crook is an exciting show, that pits medical science and alternatives to medicine against each other. Each week, we pick someone from the audience who has a medical issue, and they get diagnosed.

On one side we have people with years and years of medical training – doctors, cardiologists, oncologists, paediatricians, etc, who will give a diagnosis based on modern science.

On the other side we have the quacks… Homoeopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, reflexologists, aromatherapists, acupuncturists, psychic healers, etc, basically anyone who can study online, has a high quality printer at home, an oversupply of incense to burn, and a vague sense that their mental issues can solve things.

The “contestant” from the audience gets looked over by both teams, and then the audience votes on what kind of treatment the contestant should get to cure their ill.

We then take the peddlers of woo, and those in the audience who voted for alternatives to medicine out the back and shoot them. I think after one series people would get the idea that medical science is the best way to treat a medical condition.

It Gets Better (asterisk)

“It gets better”, is a well known phrase, particularly around youth depression and suicide prevention. For many people it does get better, for some of us, it doesn’t. That’s why the title of this blog post is what it is. The asterisk is simple. It means “Terms and Conditions Apply”. In other words, what looks good on the surface, has greater repercussions than you might think.

Now I’m not here to attack anyone, or any organisation that uses the phrase “It Gets Better”. Nor am I saying woe is me, because it doesn’t work on me. All I’m saying is that using the phrase doesn’t actually make things better.

I’ve thought about this post for a long time now, what to write, if I should write it, if I should write anything. Right now I’m severely depressed, and for me, that’s some of the clearest time for me to think. When people see me in my “happy/normal” cycle, I feel the most delusional.

Come with me on a journey, while I think outside of the box a little here, to try and explain why things don’t get better. To do so, think of yourself as a lemon.

As a lemon, you’re asked to give a bit of juice, because it will make someone’s fish and chips a bit tastier. You get told that by giving up a little bit, in the long run you win. But people keep squeezing you, for more and more juice, all the time saying it will get better. For them it does, they have nice tasty fish and chips. But for you, you’re just being squeezed more and more. Finally whey of have nothing left to give, you’re told “See how happy you have made people? See it does get better.” But the very people saying that are ignoring the fact you are nothing by a total mess, from which you will never recover.

At the moment, I feel like this. It’s not just a moment that has lasted for a day or two, it’s a moment that has lasted for thirty years. Sure there are times when it appears things are getting better, but that is really just the calm before the storm. It doesn’t get better. Other people may look at the surface, see the things they like, and tell me how great things are, but it’s not. Every day is a struggle, because from the moment I wake up each day, all I am thinking is “Oh great, I woke up. That means another day of having move squeezed out of me.”

I was raised on the belief that if you work hard, you’ll get rewarded. It’s horse shit. The harder I work, the reward I get is to have to work harder, to reach the expectations of others. When I rebel because I simply have no more to give, I’m punished for not trying hard enough. Sound defeatist? Yeah, it may sound that way, but it’s not. It’s actually a little known thing called “reality”.

Most people are blinded to reality. They have their support structures around them. They have their like minded people around them, and so they are blinded to the fact that while something works for them, it doesn’t work for everyone. Why does it work for them? Well that’s simple. It’s because there are people like me who make things happen, yet get no reward for the effort. Instead our reward is the expectation (implied or not) that things just have to get done.

Now I’m not expecting to be given everything in life, and have my cake too. All I ask is that I not go backwards. For the amount of effort I put in, I get that much reward at the end of it. It would be a much nicer thing than existence being futile. To break even. To know that what I have achieved is mine. If that was to happen, then it would get better.

So next time you tell someone “It Gets Better”, remember one thing. It may get better for you, because you have told them that, but the reality is very different indeed for the person you say it to.

Cricket Training

I’m a cricket tragic. I seriously would spend everyday of my life playing it if I could. Sure I lack ability these days, if I had any, but I still love it.

In my junior days, my coach had these four rules. I remembered them after training tonight, so why not share them. It’s also an excuse to actually post something to this blog after such a long time. I’ve bed busy with work, but things will settle down soon.

1. We train for two hours, and games are twice as long as that. If we don’t concentrate at training we will never do it on the field. When waiting to bowl, don’t stand around talking about things, work on getting the batsman out. If you want to talk about what you did during the week, do it after training. When padding up to bat, do it quickly, as you may only have three minutes to do it in a game.

2. When batting, you will face about 30 balls. Your first priority is to always protect your wicket, and not go out. Work on getting behind the ball, and get to know what style of bowling the bowlers have. When you start to consistently put bat on ball, then look to play your shots, along the ground. If you don’t go out, then in the last half dozen, have a real swing.

3. When bowling, you will bowl about 6 balls to each batsman. Think of it as an over, and make the batsman play every ball. When you bowl badly, you are wasting everyone’s time. Work out how to get that batsman out during that over. Always make sure you know where you are in the bowling order, so the batsman isn’t waiting while the bowlers sort out who is bowling next. Always aim for the wickets and not the batsman. If you injure one of our players at training, they will not be there to play on the weekend.

4. When fielding, treat every ball like it is a match. Get the throws into the wicket keeper. Talk and encourage the other fielders. Back each other up, and back up the throws at each end. Train the way you play. There are only ten good balls in a game and they are the ones where you get wickets. The next ball could be one of those balls, so always be ready.

One Lump Or Two?

So I’m sitting down at my local shopping centre, as a break from the storms in the area, and also because it’s a convenient place to get breakfast, while I change buses, after dropping my car in to be serviced.

Or so I thought.

You see the problem is coffee, I’ve never drank it in my life. Now before you scream out about what I’m missing out on in life, I have a simple philosophy, “If I don’t like the smell of it, I don’t consume it”. Back in the days when I did have a sense of smell, I never liked the smell of coffee, so I never drank it. The same applies to peanut butter, alcohol, rabbit, and nuclear weapons. Add to it the fact I don’t like hot drinks, and it’s pretty simple to see why I don’t drink it.

Therein is the problem. The places open all sell coffee, and everyone here eating all their yummy delights have them as a side to their coffee. I feel socially awkward being here. It’s like all eyes are on me because I’m typing away, and I feel they would be more on me, if I wasn’t consuming some roasted beans mixed in water.

Is this what is meant by “Coffee Culture”? This whole liking, or pretending to like something that looks like steaming hot Yarra river, with a leaf floating in frog sperm on top. I simply don’t understand.

Bugger it. I think I’ll get a pie, sit here with my legs all unladylike, talk about footy, instead of what little Syverisha is doing at school, and how one day she will grow up to be a princess (when we all know she will just be giving blowjobs to fucktards because she has “daddy was never there for me” issues, and needs to vent). There simply isn’t room in my life for coffee. Life is there to be lived, not to fill in the gaps between attempts to burn your lips off in the company of others.

Thinking About Blogging?

So I’ve been meaning to blog for a bit now, but due to my workload since changing sides of the country, I simply haven’t had the time. Don’t worry, I have a lot to write about, so just check back when you can, and you might see something new.

Now that I’ve returned, I didn’t know where to start, so I asked twitter, and @leesieoh pipped up to say “Blog about me”.

Well @leesieoh has a blog at Fomenting Insurrections and that’s all there is to it. Thanks for reading.

Ok, so there is a little bit more to her than that. @leesieoh is also the love of my life, and not just because like me, her twitter handle doesn’t have her actual name in it.

I first found out about Elyse through a mutual friend. I groaned. Not because of her, but because I’m not really a fan of meeting new people. Despite this, it so happened that I was going to be in her area of town a few weeks later, so I may as well meet her. After all, I had an easy “get out” if I needed it, so it wouldn’t be that bad to meet her.

A few weeks later, we were an item. Not bad for someone who had no interest in meeting anyone, in dating, or even having a long term relationship.

Eyes has been wonderful for me. Words do not do justice as to how great she is. I’m not just saying that because I’m bias, and she has a cute arse, I’m saying that because she has made me see more in life than just myself. She gives me a good check ow here I am heading in life, and what my priorities are.

Ok, so instead of being about @leesieoh, it has become more about me. She really means that much to me, that she has improved my life.

That’s enough gushing for now, I’ve got to go hang out the washing. If only it wasn’t bucketing down with rain, I could be having a nice day. Of course the day would be much better if I had Elyse here with me. Curse moving across the other side of the country, I never want to be this far apart from her ever again.

Where We’re Goin’ We Don’t Need Roads

So I’m I’m a town that I didn’t plan to be in, for a reason that I wish I had avoided, waiting for things to happen, so I can at least get to where I am going. Welcome to Whyalla.

It all was going along nicely when I drove off this morning, but five minutes down the road, and a kangaroo decided it wanted to be grilled, but instead of choosing a barbecue, it chose the front of my car. Thankfully not too much damage, but enough for a panel beater to make a lot of money, and my insurance company to shake their finger at me.

After checking for damage, I could see most of it was minor stuff, so I got out the roll of 100 miles an hour tape, patched things up and got going. My only concern was the couple of drops, and by that I mean two or three, of coolant I could see. I looked around for a hole, but couldn’t obviously see anything, and I even went as far as to check with a torch, even though it was bright and sunny. My guess was it had come out of the overflow, caused by the big bang, theory as it was.

With the kangaroo checked for deadness, and to see if it had a Joey in it’s pouch, or even better a golden ticket, off I drove…, for a short time.

Before you panic though, this is my standard practice whenever anything out of the ordinary happens. It’s my way of making sure I did check everything correctly, and there are no issues, that I may have missed while the adrenaline was going through my system. It was at this point I could see more coolant. Yep, I had a leak in the radiator, but from where? Well after more searching, I found a small error in the top of the radiator. Not an all hell is breaking loose situation, but enough to be a concern.

I kept checking and checking but couldn’t see any more issues arising the car was running fine, there was no heat in the radiator, so I decided to limp through the next 200km to Port Augusta to see about getting a fix.

While on the way to Port Augusta, I had Mrs. Green Cow check online for where to get things fixed, and it turned out that Port Augusta lacks the very places I was looking for. So onward to Whyalla I went.

Now Whyalla is one of those towns that has sort of always been on my “to do” list. I don’t know why, it is just one of those places, so in a way this was a good excuse to go there. It wasn’t until I found out that a new radiator was required, and that I was lucky to get as far as I did, because the seam on the top was splitting apart, that I realised I would be here for the night. That’s because parts need to come in overnight, for either the radiator place, or for the dealership of the type of car I drive, that also happens to be in town. Grrrr.

So what about Whyalla? Well for the parts I have seen, I would have to say, nice place. It’s a quite place, friendly locals, very clean, a good little town. I like the street art about the history of the place. All the buses seem to go to a place called “Route”, but in different ways, depending on the number they have listed, and apart from the two pigeons that are trying to do a live version of the film Eyes Wide Shut outside my window, I’m enjoying the relaxing day off.

But tomorrow it’s back on the road, and hopefully no more animals crossing, and on to the new life in Perth. Goodbye Whyalla, I’m glad to have been in you.