Behind the scenes

As many of you will know, I was involved with the Adam Hills In Gordon Street Tonight show, on ABC television earlier this year. It was a wonderful time, and what you saw go to screen was genuine, but there was a lot that didn’t make it to the big screen.

First of all there was the people directly and indirectly involved with the show. I’m talking about the crew from the show, and the general staff of the ABC.

The general staff didn’t have to be friendly towards us, but they certainly were. You could tell these people were hard working, and dedicated to their job, because they loved working where they worked. It didn’t matter if they were front desk staff, or people involved with other shows, they were all great people.

For those directly associated with the show, I have nothing but praise. Someone who has worked in the media myself, I know how the politics and bullshit often gets in the way of the final product. That was never the case with these people. Any time there was anything that may be a concern, they talked to us about it gave us full details, and together we made a decision. We were never told “This is what we are doing and you have to do it, because it is all about the rating.” Instead they wanted to make good quality television that could be enjoyed by a wide variety of people.

Something we often heard from Adam was “I’m so glad I’m at the ABC, because three is no way we could ever do this on commercial television. It shows just how dedicated he is to making quality, because he has had many offered to be on commercial television, but has decided to stay with the ABC. If you want proof, just look at the kind of guests that have appeared on the show. It wasn’t only people who have a book to flog, or an album that’s been released, but people with an interest, a passion, a story, that should be shared by everyone.

I have to say I am proud of what the show achieved this year, and I’m sad the ABC hasn’t renewed the show yet. I believe the ABC is very much needed in the media mix we have in Australia. It has a role to provide shows that not only rate (and AHIGST did Rae very well), but also give the wider Australian community a voice. Come on Aunty, do us all a favour and renew the show.

Finally, I’d like to thank the love of my life for all the hard work she put in too. There was a lot of burning the candle at both ends to put together the mass wedding. It was a trying, but together we got through it, as we plan to do for a very long time to come.

I’m an imbecile, so you must know.

This one was a bit too long to tweet, so I’m writing it here.

At work today, I was typing out an email on my pad of eye, when a college interrupted me, with the following line. “You know this technology shit, how does that Facebook thing work”
I looked at him blanky, and said “Don’t know really, not a fan of it.”
“Bullshit, your fingering that thing (points at pad eye) so you know”*
“No, I’m sending an email, I’m not using Facebook.”

He grunted and walked off in a huff, because I was apparently bullshiting him, and not answering his questions, all because I’m supposedly some technology wizard, based on my use of a tablet device, therefore I should know about the one crappy thing he is interested in.

Next time I see him eating a sandwich, I’m going to asking how to make Muenster Cheese Soufflé with Red Bell Pepper and Tomato Salad.

*Note, I know I have used the wrong word in this statement, it should be “you’re” not “your”, but I could tell that even through his vocal use of the language, he had gotten it wrong.

There’s a black cloud in my rainbow

I’m not sure, in a chicken or the egg way, of what’s causing what here. Realistically I think it is more correlation than causation, but I’m noticing my depression hits harder, since I got in to a relationship.
I’m not depressed because of the relationship, or what’s happening in the relationship. I think the level of depression I have at times has always been there, it’s just the way I deal with it has chanced.
In the past, when I knew things were not going well, I could switch off from the world, go in to my own little existence somewhere with in the vast deserts of my brain, and just chill out. When I would awake from this adventure into the void, I could bring myself out to the world again. If anyone asked where I had been, I could just say I had been busy, and they would shrug off ever questioning my time, location, or lack of fashion sense.
But now I see someone every day, things have changed. While they understand me, and what goes on in my head, there is still the pressure from me to put on the happy face, and it’s draining.
I know I don’t have to do it, but it’s that preprogrammed sense we all have, to make others around us feel better. It takes a lot of effort for someone with my mindset to do that, and the cracks are showing.
Maybe I should use this to get some medical help, but they just want to throw pills at you, because real medicine in our society just sees physical ailments as needing medical attention. Mental issues are either in the too hard basket, or “we can’t deal with this, put you in a home” basket.
No, I think I need to self medicate more. I need to have a bit more “me” time, and do some of the things I know work well enough to keep my balance. Maybe I can’t do them as much as I use to do, but then again, maybe I was over compensating. I guess it all comes down to finding that middle ground, to keep myself happy content, keep others happy, and have enough time to go around for all concerned in my life.
Of course one day where my brain wasn’t going at a thousand miles an hour would be good too.

In 2012…..

I’ve had enough. Yeah, I know we’re only a couple of days in to the year, but I’ve had enough.


Not enough of the year, years are just a number. I’ve just had enough of the bullshit from people. The United nations have declared 2012 the year of  Cooperatives, so wont you please be cooperative to the rest of society by not being a fucktard? Seriously, I’ve had enough of people who think the world owes them, simply because. Stop being a fucktard, pull your pants up, blow your nose, get a job and earn things in life.


I’ve had enough of your bullshit “woe is me” crap, and I don’t even know who you are, but you make my life worse by simply existing. If I do happen to know you, well not for long, cause I’ve had enough. I have my goals and priorities in life, and one of them is not being fucked over by other people, because they think I should have to pay (financially, emotionally, mentally) for them to be a fucktard as stated above.


You know, I have simple needs in life; a roof over my head, food on my table, and enough money in my pocket to get me through the week. I have wants in life, which are more long term goals, so that I can have a comfortable future, where I can relax because of the hard work I put in earlier in life. If you want it all now, and expect others to do it for you, go away, cause I’ve had enough.


Happy New Year Everyone.

That’s a good price for 60lb of Nutmeg.

I recently signed up as a member of Costco. Yes, start all your booing and hissing now, but I would like to point out, they are very close to where I live, and actually have some products that fit into my fickle dietary requirements quite well. But regardless of that, I’m still allowed to put all four hooves up on a soapbox and moo loudly.


As anyone who is a regular watcher of the ABC will know, there is a thing called the Gruen Transfer, from which a teleision show gets it’s title. I wont go into the details here, because it’s quicker for you to click on the link, than it is for me to type a heap out about it. Damn, I better go put a link in there now…, all better.

Moving on, or at least I would like to, but the standard clientèle of Costco wont allow me, and I’m not even in the store yet. The issues start even before you get into the carpark, because people are bamboozled by the choice between “Take Ticket, Pay Later” or “Insert Credit Card now, Insert Credit Card Later”. How it can take each person three minutes to decide between these two options I will never know. It’s not like they are being asked ” Would you like us to set fire to your kids now, or after we have set fire to you?”


Then there is the shopping trolleys. With Costco being an American store, even the trolleys are supersized. It makes the standard Australian shopping trolley look like one of those hand basket with wheels that are starting to plague Big W and Kmart of late. Given the average Costco shopper has never seen a trolley this big, they suddenly think they are driving a Toorak Tractor (Yes, I’ve linked that one for you all) and therefore can drive the trolley anyway they like, park it anyway they like, and they have the right to not give a flying fox if they are in the way of anyone else. Well a big fat heads up to you tools…, ALL THE TROLLEYS ARE THE SAME SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (note I didn’t do the “!!1!!111!!one!!” joke in the over use of exclamation marks, because I am a mature cow.)

I say to these people, use the same rule as I use when you are in a car; “If you can’t park it, don’t drive it”. Plain and simple, and the whole thing will work out a lot better. So when someone says “excuse me” don’t stare at them blankly, like they are about to offer you a free sample, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!


Speaking of free samples, they are a sample people. Not a fifteen course buffet lunch! I tend to go to Costco during the middle of the day, because I work odd hours, and have no social life. Oh, and also I hate weekend crowds, because that’s just what I have described above (and will do below) amplified. But during the day, you get bus loads I’m sure of nursing home inmates, or even just the card carry member variety of senior citizen, who think they are a seagull, and Costco is the biggest hot chip in the world. Samples are meant to be something you get on the fly, not hang around clogging up the aisles waiting for the next batch of offerings. Not everyone wants to try out “Johnny Cock Block’s Secret Caribbean Sauce, fresh from the seas of South Dakota”.


My last gripe is at the check out. People, you have just spent 15 hours going around the store, filling your belly with Cock sauce, blocking up the aisles with your inabilities, and trying to decide if you want to park your car or stare at the flashing lights. Now is not the time to decide you would like to buy the “Turn your little brat into an NBA basketball superstar starter kit for $799”, and decide to go get it. Once you have got to the check out, you have effectively left the store in my book. Even if it’s the cheap chokito’s or latest tabloid wankfest about new Princess Di weight loss claims from beyond the grave, TOO BAD! Get your stuff, and get out of the way of everyone else. You’ve had your go, so get going.


My final word about Costco is about their chopped onions. Seriously, these things are good, and you get them by turning a little wheel. It’s an endless supply of joy for the world. But there are only so many you can fit on your hot dog. So my suggestion is simple. Get the hot dog and soft drink deal they have, but instead of using the cup for soft drink, fill it with onions. Seriously, you may be thirsty, but you’re going to have enough onions to get you though the day.


That’s always a good thing, because it’s going to take you all day just to get out of the car park.

I want a new bike Santa

Below is an article I’ve written for Huff. Sure this saves you going out and buying it, if you were only going to read this article, but there is a lot more in Huff for the average cyclist than just what I have to say.


Christmas is fast approaching, and that means one thing. No, not that, or that, and definitely not that! No, it means lots of kids the world over will wake up on December 25, and see a shiny new bicycle under the tree from Santa.


Now of course the world would be a better place if Santa (and all his helpers) built more recumbents, but that’s another issue. Instead, what I’d like you all to do, is take a moment to think about what all these new bikes mean. Yes, new bikes, mean new bike riders, filled with all the excitement and joy owning a new bike offers.


But just think for a moment about everything else that happens on Christmas day. Now I’m not getting on my moral high horse here and judging anyone, but if the average Christmas day out there is anything like those I grew up with, it’s a lot of alcohol, a lot of food, a lot of fights, and a lot of endless talking about anything and everything. The adults basically let the kids fill up on red cordial, lollies and an oversupply of new stuff. The adults are too busy to concentrate on the kids, and after all, with all the new stuff, the kids can look after themselves. Mmmm, shiny new bike.


Can you see where I am going here?


The average first time rider really has no idea of how to ride a bike. When that first time rider is a young kid filled with excitement, the last thing on their mind is road laws, other traffic, or least of all where the brakes are. After all, once you get going (sometimes with the help of training wheels) why would you want to stop? Add in the peer pressure of other kids on their bikes, and you just want to ride and ride and ride and…….. OH NO, CAR!!!!!!!


I’m not about to lecture you in how you spend your Christmas day, or the way you raise your kids. But as a member of the cycling community, all I ask is you think about two things this Christmas.


  1. If you are driving somewhere, slow down just that little bit. Sure you might get to where you are going three minutes later, but it’s not like you are in a rush to go boil an egg somewhere. Be mindful that any child you see on a bike, might be riding for the very first time, or they are so proud of their new bike, that’s all they are thinking about. Work on a theory that they have no idea you are there, so be just that little more careful when you drive.
  2. If you are the parent of a child, who gets a new bike for Christmas. Don’t just give them the bike and then get on with things. Take a bit of time to teach them the basics of riding, and about traffic. Sure it may take an hour out of your Christmas day, but it’s better than waiting for them in a hospital, or worse.


Sure there is only so much you can do, and at the end of the day, you can only do so much. I’m not asking anyone to go out of their way to be “Super Cyclist”, keeping the streets safe of scraped knees. All I’m asking is you don’t make it a Christmas you’ll never forget.

Should I be an iSheeple?

I’ve been the owner of an iPad for a few months now, but every time I use it in public, there is a problem. People go all glassy eyed, look at me with a Children Of The Corn stare and ask “Ohh, should I get one of those, is it good?”


It’s like some kind of first world Cargo Cult has formed around the iPad. People who see one think they need to get one, simply for the sake of having one, because it must be good if other people have one. Naturally because I have one, I must therefore be an expert on the device, and some kind of advanced being. This power, and though the joy that is unicorn rainbow farts, I can let them know if the iPad is right for them or not.


Yesterday I was asked by someone if they should get an iPad for their two year old daughter. They were taken aback when I asked the very simple, one word, typical two year old question of “Why?” They were stumped as to why I would ask that, in the typical fashion of what I described above. So I put it to them more simply; “Let me ask you this. What would your two year old do if you just gave them $6,00 to $1,000 in cash? Is that an investment you see as worthwhile?”


Their reply I found a little strange. “Oh she likes playing with my iPhone, so I figure an iPad would stop her from playing with that.”

After more discussion, I managed to talk him down to a second hand iPod Touch, and then to just making one out of duplo, be cause let’s face it, a two year old, will play with anything it can get it’s hands on. An iPad is not going to turn your kid into iStein.


Yeah, ok, I thought of the iStein joke on the fly. It’s bad, and yes, it should have been Einstein, but hey, sometimes you just have to go with it and see.


Getting back to the subject at hand, I didn’t just jump out and buy an iPad because it was the latest and greatest thing on the market, or because I ever wanted to think that by sleeping with it, it would be like sleeping with Steve Jobs. [Edit: Delete this joke, the iStein one didn’t work, I’m not going to go with the Steve Jobs one. Email me if your really want to know it] I bought one when I could justify the need to have one. My laptop was getting a bit too old to cart around everywhere, and the weight of it was just too much. My iPhone was a bit too small to do some of the work I needed to do. The cost of buying an iPad, outweighed the cost of not having one. Since buying it, and getting over the shiny/new phase, I’ve found I have a lot more use for it, as it gives me the chance to write stuff on the fly, with out having to wait for the laptop to fire up. It’s a thing of convenience for me,  that has made things easier for me, given I don’t live 9-5 hours, I’m rarely home, and don’t have an office to bludge in each day.


At the end of the day, if you want to buy an iPad, go for it, but don’t blame me if it’s not right for you. Just because I have one, it doesn’t make me an expert on your needs, or the device. You can ask a salesperson and they will tell you you need one. You can ask your kids, and they will tell you they want one. You can ask an Apple Lover and they will wonder why you don’t have one yet. But the only person you should be asking is yourself, cause I’m sick of hearing your question.

North Of The Border

So I’m in Sydney for a few days. It’s a little strange being here, and I kind of thought things might work out this way, and it did. About 200km out of the greater metropolitan area, I was reminded of the last time I was in Sydney, just after Paige had taken her own life.

In the months leading up to that event, I had been in Sydney a few times, either rushing up because she was in Hospital, or I was delivering her car up to Sydney, or just because we were spending time together as friends.

But that last trip up was a very emotional time. I wont go into details, because I don’t want to drag up the past. All I will say is, in hindsight, the trip was a total waste of time, but in a way I’m glad I made it, because it did give me some amount of closure.

This time though, heading up the road, I was going for happy reasons, to a place I didn’t see the need in ever visiting again, so I kept going on. Sure, it’s a really emotional time being here, for example, I see the harbor and remember the last time I was out there, but I am glad to be here.

Sydney is a place I will never call home. The way this place runs doesn’t suit the cut of my jib, or my tastes in decency. No amount of money could have me live here (Well maybe if the deal included a cute puppy I might think about it), but I’m not going to rule out ever coming here again, as I sort of had done.

At the end of the day, I have a pain in my heart being here, but why should I begrudge an entire city for that? It just shows the love and respect I have for Paige, and that her memory will always live on for me.

Light The Night 2011

Well hasn’t this snuck up on me this year!


Next week is light the night in Melbourne. It’s on Wednesday 21 September, in the Alexandra Gardens. Now I know this is a big ask, but if you read this, can you please sponsor me for at least $1. It’s not too much to ask. If you like, you can also join my team and walk with me on the night. Everyone is welcome, and it really is a great event.


Last year I missed Light The Night, due to being stuck at home with a recently mangled knee. This year I’m not going to let that happen.

If you want to read my personal leukaemia story, you can view it over at Long Ride For Leukaemia Research. Or if you just want to make a donation, click on this link.

Footy time is here again, yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ok, so as a Richmond supporter, my season is over once again. Hopefully next year we will see some September action that doesn’t involve round 24. I don’t think that will happen, because after all, there won’t be a round 24 next year.

So now we move into the finals, and as a fan of footy, need to barrack for a team, and lucky for me, my second team is in the finals, so I can barrack for them.

Now I bet you are wondering who I am going to barrack for, and I want to make it clear from the middle of the third paragraph of this blog post, that my second team has always been my second team. Heck, I even use to work for the club, and the only time I don’t barrack for them is when they play against Richmond. Even when they do that, I really don’t mind if Richmond are beaten by them.

That leaves, me with only one more thing to say….

Good old Collingwood forever,
They know how to play the game.

Carn the Pies!!!!!!